After reading Author Mark Shaw's book on Dorothy Kilgallen - ***The Reporter Who Knew Too Much*** - I'm still looking for a photo of her at the Stork Club. Are there any?

Shermane, as a classmate and your occasional Club guest back then, I remember well your parents' kindness and the DAZZLE of clientele; Cary, Grace, Elizabeth, Jack n' Jackie, The Duke and Duchess. But it is the profiles and imagined whispered conversations of J. Edgar Hoover and other Club regulars of his ilk and critical significance to our internal security, WWII, and the Cold War those years that, for me, equally catapult the Club to an indelibly consequential place in our cultural and political history.
Thank you for this truly evocative web site!

Well done! Great historical information.

Well done! Great historical information.

My grandfather Gabriel Beaumont, on my father's side, was at one time the head chef at the Stork Club in NY, but I never really met him. After the war my parents moved to Arizona. Currently in NM.

Would you happen to have any photos of Roy Cohn and David Schine at the Stork Club? Many thanks!

My mom's first cousin is Stork Club singer Gigi Durston!
I grew up hearing stories about my mom going to NYC city (from Hartford) in the late 40's/early 50's to experience the exciting city life. Gigi knew everyone!
My grandmother and also talked about Gigi's engagement to Elliot Roosevelt and visiting Hyde Park.

My Mom, Henny(Henrietta) Rasch, is the woman on the menu taking photographs. She became the photographer for many years at the Stork Club. She dated then Senator JFK and other celebrities.

I missed out. This looked like a fun, cool place to be. Too bad we don't have these kind of places left. I am doing a writing project about old lounges and bars. Thank you for such a wonderful recourse.

Do you have any photos of Grace Kelly at the stork club?
Dear David,
So often, celebrities were photographed as couples or in groups, but one of my favorite photos
of Grace Kelly at the Stork Club is this one.

My father was Mr. Reno, Head Maitre D', who worked for Sherman Billingsley in the early 60's. I have an ash tray, it is cracked but I treasure it very much for the memories of all the entertainers that I got autographs from. Also, I went there after my prom.
Dear Norma,
Going to the Stork Club after the prom was a tradition shared by many, including my friends
and me. Thank you for sharing your memory!

To whom it may concern
I have a Stork ClubMatch Book (Business Card of Sherman Billingsley, manager, owner), Sketch & Signed By Andy Warhol.
Any chance that the Stork Club archives has pictures or info of Andy Warhol attending the Club?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
As they say, "anyone who was anyone" came to the Stork Club and Andy Warhol was no exception. Unfortunately, we have not located any photos in the archives.

My grandfather, Rudi Nowak, was a waiter in The Cub Room brought over from La Hiffs Tavern when your dad hired Jack Spooner. Rudi's best friend, Eddie Johnson, was also one of the group. All are pictured on this postcard we found, along with a second with the same image, with my grandfather's things.
Dear Stephanie,
This postcard brings back so many wonderful memories. What a wonderful Stork Club keepsake from your grandfather. Thank you for sharing!

I have a set of dice with the Stork Club advertising on them. Are they Collectables?

My parents had their first date at the stork club in 1948. My mother had been a frequent guest on her previous visits to NYC. 1946 photo of Reva Paul.

I found this relic in my grandmothers collection. Wondering if you could help me find some answers? It's a red risk band with two 2 inch coins with one saying Stork Club 12 New York City, and the other saying Polo Lounge 3 Beverly Hillls Hotel. Any ideas???

"Hi! My father was the Cub Captain at the Stork Club!! His name was Dino (the Greek). He also did a commercial for the Stork Club with Steven Allen where he is cooking. I've been searching the internet for the footage of that commercial if anyone knows where I can find it, I would greatly appreciate it! He has pictures with Shermane Billingsley. She loved him! He always spoke of great memories at the Stork Club!" -- Dina Zaromatidis
Dear Dina,
Dino! I will never remember my tenth birthday without remembering Dino. Shortly before my birthday, I fell while practicing figure skating at the Madison Square Garden Ice Skating Club. The back blade went through my right leg barely missing the knee cap. (Sharon Lehmann and Vera Wang, fellow skaters, still remember the ring of pink rapidly encircling the ice around me.) My legs were so cold and the blade so sharp that I didn’t feel any pain when I fell. However, my leg had to be immobilized and I could barely navigate on the crutches. I was devastated that I might not be able to attend the matinee of “Peter Pan” to which Mary Martin had given me six tickets to invite my best friends. It was Dino who saved the day by carrying me into the theater…backstage with my friends to thank Mary Martin…and then back to the Stork Club for a party.
PS: Dino was so handsome and so nice that my friends and I all had a crush on him.

My late uncle, Gus Silty (Sylimiotis), spent his entire career as a waiter at the Stork Club. When he was drafted in WWII, Mr. Billingsley told Uncle Gus he would have a job waiting for him when he returned. Mr. Billingsley kept his word and Uncle Gus worked at the Stork Club until it closed. He loved working there and told us many fun stories of the people he met.

Parents Wedding Night, Philip and Barbara Brennan, February 26, 1949

My mother passed away some years ago at age 100. Back in the 1940s or so, she got a recipe for banana bread that she said originated at The Stork Club. Best we ever tested.

My father was a regular at the Stork Club from 1938 till 1963. He was Walter Winchell's producer for five years, worked for George Washingtonn Hill at American Tobacco, and was a well known advertising executive in NY from 1938 to 1963. I have great memories from many people who told me the stories of the Stork, and my mother left me an original ashtray from the Stork and a book of matches after she passed. Boy I wish NY had a place like that today. I have been back to NY for 25 years and there will never be anything that comes close to the Stork Club in NY ever again. I pass the location often and sit near the waterfall to get a vibe of Billingsley and the best club that ever was,
Jim Bates

My mother was a model in the 1940's in N.Y. She was a guest on the radio show "Blind Date" (10/1/1944). This is a picture taken at the Stork Club. My mother is the brunette seated between the two gentlemen on the right.

A wonderful place to go dancing. I learned about it when attending Finch College. We always knew where to go to dance the night away, and even though we were college students initially, we were treated royally. Continued to go there till 1964 until my husband's new job had us move to the Philadelphia area.

I have pics of my mother-in law at the Stork Club June 1944. She was in the WAVES. I have a photo of her and friends at a table. The story told was that they were invited to see Frank Sinatra. He then signed a photo of himself. I am looking to find if there is any info on him or the Stork Club June 1944.

My Father and Mother met at the Stork Club. She was a model for Hattie Carnegie who was filling in for a sick friend, who was the cigarette girl and Mr. Billingsley introduced them. My Dad was known as "the duke of Broadway" in Walter Winchell columns and was with Movietone News. I had many birthday parties at the Stork Club and my parents continued to go there for many, many years. Does anyone have a photo of the children's dishes? I used to have a set and unfortunately no longer have them. Great site!

Have admired Mr. Billingsley from afar for years. Spent time in the vest pocket park on my last trip to NYC in 2012.

I had the honor and pleasure of working with Shermane framing some of her mementos of the Stork Club about 20 years ago. It was definitely one of the highlights of my 30 year career, and I thank you for the honor.

I was a teenager and attended a prep school in NYC and Shermaine was one of our group. After Debutante balls or other function it was usual for us to go to the Stork Club. Wonderful memories, wonderful dancing, wonderful staff. One in particular was a waiter called Vold (?). Ahhh memories. Maybe Shermaine remembers me. I certainly have very vivid and fond memories of her.

Hi Everyone,
My name is Stella, and I am the daughter of Gregory Pavlides. My father worked for Mr. Billingsley for many many years. My father considered Mr. Billingsley to be his best friend.
Shermane Billingsley who is the daughter of Sherman is a dear friend and I consider myself blessed to know her.
What a wonderful website. Shermane, you should be commended for honoring your father.
Much love,

I love the site and your Facebook postings. My late father, Anthony Napolitano (stage name Tony Knapp) played in the Stork Club Rhumba Band for many years during the 40's and 50's while I was growing up. He was a friend of Manny Balastrero, the subject of the Hitchcock film, "The Wrong Man." I never got to visit the Stork Club, but we always had lots of Stork Club ash trays, matchbooks, and the like around the house. Wish I had them now.

I remember my parents telling me they went to the Stork Club right after my Dad returned home from Germany during WWII. They enjoyed their evening at the club. When they left it was raining buckets! My Mom was wearing a New dress she made out of Crepe Fabric. The dress of course got wet and the faster they ran the shorter her dress got! My parents talked about that from time to time and would laugh. of course it wasn't funny at the time. My Mom said the dress became a nice BLOUSE!!! This website is FABULOUS! I wish my parents were both still with us so they could see these Great Stork Club images! Keep up the Good Work!! XX Dawn

Pete and I celebrating his birthday at the Stork Club, one of our favorite spots

My 61st year, born at a very civilized time of day - 6:05pm COCKTAIL HOUR - as Mother and Dad have said! A true child of Stork Club parents and Cafe Society!

"My great-aunt Barbara Bannister Joyner, was a singer/actress/wealthy socialite (also known as The Smithfield Heiress) in the 1930's and 40's. She was mentioned in a 1933 Walter Winchell, "On Broadway" article as having a "table at The Stork Club." I wonder if anyone out there in FB land has any information or pictures of her?"

I went to the Westport post office to ship something to Sherman Billingsley’s daughter and namesake, and when the clerk saw the name, she said, "I used to live at Billingsley Terrace in the Bronx in Sherman Billingsley's old house." She said the stately, unusually shaped house had a cellar that was like a "cave" with a secret tunnel to the East River!

These are my grandparents Martha and Albert Smith. My Grandfather was a big fan of the races, and would often travel to New York to see them. Of course, my Grandmother loved to tag along and visit the famous nightspots in the city. Over the years, they would visit several clubs in New York, but they always said that the Stork Club was their favorite. My Grandparents would visit the Stork Club several times during their little getaways from Buffalo.

I never knew my grandparents went to NYC. Now I know where my strong desire to go to the city comes from. My mom told me that her and dad also went to the Stork Club. Now I'm on a mission to go and find their picture. I wonder what street the club was on.

I was told that my grandmother was a dancer at the Stork Club back in 30's and 40's and I was tryning to find out any information on her that I can. Her name was Jandira Southern (not sure what name she used). Anyone with information on her will be greatly appreciated. She is of Brazilian decent and still lives in New York, if she hasn't passed.. which is all I really know.

I'm the great or great great niece of Morton Downey. Thru family discussions I found out that Morton often performed and played at the Stork Club. I can remember ashtrays, match books, shot glasses and my mothers favorite perfume around our home and summer house. There is some debate over whether or not he was a partial owner. Will you please share any information you might have? Thank you, the Downey/Mason/Woods family

Here is a photograph of my grandparents having dinner at the Stork Club, probably 1945. My grandfather, Carlos P Romulo was the Philippines' Resident Commissioner to the United States Congress. He was also a Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist by then, and one of the signatories of the Charter forming the United Nations. He was General MacArthur's aide-de-camp (in the whole world there were only 4 aides to full Generals, and this allowed him to wear a special decoration on both lapels). By the time he died in 1985 he was a best-selling author of sixteen books, at least four plays, and several poems. To this day he is the longest serving public servant in Philippine history, having served nearly two decades as the country's Foreign Minister.

When I was a student at Columbia College from 1962-66, I was a member of a fraternity called Alpha Delta Phi. In 1963 and 1964 and early 1965, we would often go down from Morningside Heights to The Stork Club for cocktails after our fabulous black tie parties ( almost every Saturday). The Stork Club was past its prime, but we still loved it and considered ourselves blessed to drink Johnny Walker Black at a place as civilized and elegant as The Stork Club. We also loved the nearby King Cole Bar.

The Year Was 1952. I Was Eighteen Years Old, Living In A Small New Jersey Town , The Son Of Immigrant Parents And Just Out Of High School. My Girl Was About To Celebrate Her Sixteenth Birthday. I Told All Of My Friends That I Was Going To Take Her To The Stork Club To Mark The Big Occasion. Of Course, My Friends Laughed At Me For Even Thinking Of Doing Such A Thing. How Could An Unknown Nobody Get
Into The Most Acclaimed Supper Club In The World, They Asked? To Be Honest, Even I Thought The Same Thing. Regardless, I Sent A Letter To Mr. Billingsley, Telling Him Of My Desires. Unbelievably - A Few Days
Later - I Received A Call From His Personal Assistant, Telling Me That My Wish Was Going To Be Fulfilled. Even More Amazing I Was Told That I Could Bring Along Another Couple And That Mr. Billingsley, Himself,
Was Going To Greet Us When Arrived For The Big Night. A Few Weeks Later, My Girl, My Best Friend And His Girl And I Spent A Fairy Tale Evening At The One And Only Stork Club - A Place Normally Reserved For Kings And Queens, Hollywood Celebrities, Presidents And Financial Giants Of Wall Street. It Was On That Night That I Was Taught A Lesson That Has Lived With Me And Encouraged Me For The Rest Of My Life. That Lesson Was, And Is, That Nothing Is Impossible To Achieve In This Greatest Nation On Earth - The United States Of America. Thank You, Mr. Billingsley. I Am Indebted To You.

Attached will be found a photo and a graphic design. My father is the second one from the left. The graphic appeared in Ripley's Believe It Or Not during this time. His name was Jimmy Suguitan and he created the graphic. We would watch the Stork Club TV show because dad told my sister and I that he was the one pouring the champagne... that's one of my memories of the Stork Club.
Thank you for the great web-site. It captures the aura and personality of the Club.

Just looked at the Stork Club site and IS IS SO WONDERFUL! I love the whole manner, music, people-- you really caught the essence and your father -- just like I remember, he had that way of looking up (like princes Diana)-- was he shy? Your website sent me searching and I found this photo of two sweet little best friends in the "powder room" of the Stork Club.

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